Saturday, December 8, 2007

Adjusting to Motherhood fun and exhausting.

Ahmad Haris is now almost 2 weeks old. I know I've been turning visitors away *ehem*James*ehem but (half) confinement is a lot of work and not-so-pretty, y'know.

Every morning, after my massage, the lady 'simpan pilis' on my forehead, which is supposed to be there for the rest of the day (but I usually wipe it off when it has dried out) and I tell you again, it ain't pretty. I am in my kain sarung most of the time because with all the things they put on me, I don't want to spoil my good clothes. And when they put the bengkung on me- OH MY GOD! Oh, have I mentioned that I so do not know how to use kain sarung. It definitely gives 'inda terkain-kain' a new meaning.

But in my babu's words- 'namanya beranak' and 'karang nda mau kurus'.
Enough of me.

Ahmad Haris is one very hungry baby! He feeds every two hours or so and few nights ago- every hour! They said maybe my BM is not enough for him so they said to mix with formula. Unfortunately we did but Ahmad Haris doesn't really like formula or plain water (yaaaay!). Now, I drink like 10 cups of plain milo a day and eat chicken & some sort of daun soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I try to EBM 2 or 3 times a day as well, just in case Ahmad Haris is with his nini babu and his mummy wants to sleep :p

Oh, Ahmad Haris has lost weight too. At birth, he was 3.130kg but last Wednesday he was only 2.9kg. Babu said that they call it 'tuhus aying' and the husband said that it happens when you breastfeed (he got it from one of the readings. i'm impressed, husband. hehe. love you!).

I am expecting Ahmad Haris to wake up for his feed soon. Hehe. My life now runs around his feeding time. Will have to slowly adjust before going back to work!

p.s. photos of Ahmad Haris are on facebook. The husband took more but he doesn't really have the time to process 'em yet.

And oh, people have been asking me about my labour experience. Maybe one of these days, I will write about it. It is not really something one can forget.