Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Yes, I haven't been updating. Ellez has complained (am guessing she needs something to do at work besides real work. lol.), so has few other people.

Honestly, I'm more lazy than tired to post. I've also started typing up few posts but never got to finish them, usually because baby needs feeding.

I now have, more or less, established baby's sleeping and feeding pattern. I think I have also recognised when baby has actually poo-ed and not just farting.

From all that, we are now getting more sleeps at night. At times, I'm the one who wakes up the baby because he's just in deep sleep that I worry he's hungry!

I've been getting tips on how to start preparing EBM for work as well. Another month before I start working again. I have also spoken to few mothers on breastfeeding on how you sometimes feel like just giving up and make formula for the baby all the time. There have been times, where my baby is given formula but I'm trying to reduce it to once a day and slowly, once every two days before phasing it out completely, insya Allah.

The keyword I've been getting from most mothers is PERSEVERE! It is not easy but I am planning to keep on trying, insya Allah.