Friday, November 30, 2007

Quick Post

Babyme (full name will insya Allah be revealed on his 7th day) has gone back to sleep after a quick feed.

Yan, your book has been a great help even if I only have read few pages! I was initially stressed when babyme's feeds are inconsistent but the book helped us a lot! Thanks again, love.

Alhamdullilah, mummy and son are doing well. Mummy is just surprised that confinement period is a LOT of work! All the food and traditional meds I have to consume, things they put on and around me- all overwhelming!

Hence, visiting hours are restricted. Hehe. No visitors in the morning especially. Of course, you are still more than welcome to visit :p

Babyme's day consist of sleep, eat, sleep, sleep, eat with a lot of crying and poo poo in between. Hehehe.

Once again, Thaks for all the duaas,wishes and gifts guys! Lots &lots of love!