Sunday, November 25, 2007

The One with the Surprise Baby Shower

I actually don't know where to start. I've been typing and deleting my post few times now.

It started with the husband asking me to get ready to go to Bunut as he 'needed to pass something to my brother', only for me to find out that the boys & girls were throwing me a surprise baby shower!

I was in tears (happy tears, of course!) when they yelled 'surprise!' and I saw pink, blue & green balloons!

There were lots of food, games and gifts!

I think I laughed so much from watching them playing the games that the video caught me in pain at one time! I think I was trying to breathe whilst having cramps. Erk.

I can't decide which game was my favourite- they modelled baby outfits made of newspaper, tried to put on diapers blindfolded and tried to guess the size of my belly using the lenght of a ribbon (i am actually smaller than they thought! haha.).

As I didn't come prepared, i.e. I had no camera with me (I even left my hp in the car!), I don't have any photos with me right now and will have to wait till everyone else show me their photos (hint hint husband. hehe.).

I, however, brought back the beautiful scrapbook they made me and took some photos of it.

except for this one above. the photos were taken when i decided to tell them all. hence, 'the big announcement'.

If you guys read the title of the LOs and have access to my protected posts, you will notice that the write-ups were actually my posts on my pregnancy- they have scrapped them! I was thinking of doing the same but now that they have done it for me, I just have to scrap the missing post yeah :)Thanks guys! I really, really like it- all of them and I heard there are more LOs to come, right? Hehehehe :)

Oh, besides the scrapbook and the other baby gifts, I also received what they called 'Apple Tree', where everyone who were there today wrote an apple note for my baby. I only managed to read 2, I think, before I started crying. When Jim read few more outloud after that, I started crying again. Haha. I think I'll read them all again when my hormones are under control, okay? Hehe.

Anyhoos boys & girls, thank you soooo much for it! In Jim's words, 'yes, I do love you more now'. Haha. To the husband, babu, bapa, the siblings & Jats- thank you soooo much as well. Semua komplot! Hehehehehe.

Lots & lots & lots of love :) :) :)