Wednesday, November 21, 2007


i've been getting contractions but because they are still far apart and infrequent, i thought it was braxton hicks but apparently it wasn't.

it's just 'getting ready'.

there are still many things to do. i haven't finalised my handover folder for my colleague as she will be leaving for korea this weekend first. my boss will also be away, so i will be running the unit ALONE. it will probably be funny if i deliver next week and no one is around. haha.

the other colleagues were thinking of putting together a plan 'just in case' THE time happens to be in the office.

i also haven't moved my scrapping things to Bunut and stock up from Shabby during their sale.

i also need to pop by ML's place to make new glasses.

i still need to get steriliser, bottle warmer and bedding for the cot.

i think that should be it.

oh, maybe i need to stock up on dvds for confinement but i'm sure the boys & girls can do that for me :p (skalinya terliat pun nda!)

aaaah. so many things to do. I still need to practise my breathing. Alum lagi confident :S