Friday, January 18, 2008

Breastfeeding for a Working Mother

If I am not going home for lunch, I need to prepare around 8 bottles of 3.5oz of EBM for my baby.

On the first day of the dry-run, he consumed 6 bottles of 3.5oz and on the second day 5 bottles but we thought that to be safe, we should prepare 8 bottles.

I'm thinking of a timetable on how to prepare the EBMs for baby AH.

5.30am: PUMP
6.30am: Feed before work
10.00am: PUMP
2.00pm: PUMP
5.30pm: Feed after work
7.30pm: Feed to sleep
9.00pm: PUMP
10.30pm: Feed, change, get in bed.
1.30am: Feed
4.30am: Feed

Hopefully, this will work. I am hoping that each pumping session, will get me 2 bottles of 3.5oz.
I, however, need to be realistic. There may be days where there will be enough milk, less milk or more milk.

On days with less milk, I am willing (albeit reluctant) to give my baby formula. I know, in today's world, there is more pressure to breastfeed your child more than anything else but Iwould rather baby AH have something to drink than cry endlessly and Mummy speeding home from anywhere.

I have been stressing out and under pressure for the past week or so on whether to supplement baby AH's feed or not. Yes, there are many benefits from breastfeeding exclusively but at the end of the day, only the mother knows what is best for both the baby and herself. In Y's word, s/he is MY baby and I will make the decision.

However, baby AH has to know that when mummy is at home, there will be no formula!

This does not mean I will stop eating soup and drinking milo. Har har. I will still try my best to ensure that I have plenty of supply for baby AH, insya Allah. I just do not want to be pressured and stressed out as everyone knows that this could ultimately reduce your supply.