Friday, January 18, 2008


As I'm starting work next week, we have been 'practising'. For the past 2 days, baby AH was looked after by my babu and the maid. He has been fed EBM from the bottle and I only fed him direct after 5pm.

However, I noticed that after each direct feed, he has refused to move from his feeding position, even after he has let go and I have 'packed up'. At night, he refused to sleep in his cot (prior to this, he would sleep in his own cot for approximately 3 hours before waking up for a feed). He even refused to sleep in our bed, between the both of us.

He would only sleep with his face on my chest in the feeding position, if I'm sitting upright, or on top of me when I'm lying down. He would then sleep at least 2 hours straight.

Can a 7 week old baby know how to miss his mother already?