Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy 2 Months, Babyme!

Today Baby AH turned 2 months!

We celebrated by buying a cake from Bunny (Thanks for taking our order, Bunny!) and went to Andaman to surprise Nana.

It was also Baby AH's first party with the whole gang as I think the last one, he was still in the tummy and it was a party for him! Hehe.

Suffice to say, he needed to be breastfed and then proceeded to poo. So there we were, with a shawl over me, trying to breastfeed him and then put together 2 chairs, trying to change him.
While it is expected for smaller restaurants to not have a breastfeeding room nor a changing room for babies, I wonder how will I survive if I was at the Mall or Yayasan or Hua Ho. Luckily there are not many shopping malls in Brunei, otherwise the list will be longer!

I wonder if people will give me the look if I start breastfeeding my son in other restaurants or by the bench at the Mall. We were lucky as we had the private room at Andaman earlier, so the only other people in the room were my friends. Obviously, the girls were excited when I needed to breastfeed and changed baby AH's diaper. Although, they refused when I asked if any of them wanted to change his diaper. Hahaha.


Anyway, Happy 2 months old, baby! At 2 months,

- you love taking a bath! you will cry when we take you out of your bath tub.
- you will stare and laugh at the red cow your nini babu stuck on the wall, next to your changing table. sometimes, it even seems like you're talking to the cow!
- you can hold your head up (although you've started doing this since you were 3 weeks old!)
- you get bored easily, so we have to make sure you're not looking at the same thing too long
- you enjoy tummy time so much
- you will look up and make us talk to you. you actually enjoy this, which made us wonder whether you understand us or not
- after your second feed, you will want to sleep on mummy. we think its because you know i will be at work for the rest of the day
- you will want us to change your diaper straight after you poo, not a second later
- you can fall asleep on your own in your cot
- your father has taught you 1 - 10, the alphabets and how to spell your name. usually before going to bed and when you wake up. hehe. no pressure, baby!
- you love sleeping on the nursing pillow, on mummy's lap after a feed (like right now!)

... i think the list goes on and it just shows how both of us are embracing parenthood.

Once again, Happy 2 months old, baby AH! Mummy & Bapa looooovvvveeee you :) :)