Sunday, October 7, 2007

One Off the List

Dear babyme,

First its double digits days, now we’re down to the last double digit week, before we hit single digit week! Masya Allah!

And guess what we bought today? We bought breast pump for myself. First item from the list! Insya Allah, we want to try breastfeeding. I know, many has said to me that it is easy to plan but at the way things are going, insya Allah, you will be breastfed. I, initially wanted a battery-operated one but it didn’t come with a bag and I thought it would be difficult for me to bring it to work, once I start working again. Plus, it would be nice for your father to feed you from the expressed milk too.

So when you Babu Siti called me yesterday to tell me that the Out & About set is on sale at Mothercare for only $99.90 this week, I dragged your father there to get me one set. I remember I envied your Babu Siti when she told me she got her set for only $110 before and now its only $99.90! I did ask the salesgirl if the IQ24 Steriliser will ever be on sale, and she said no. So we might just get it from Utama Grand before the end of this so-called Grand Sale.

One off the list! I was pointing out to you father what WE (as in you & me. hehe) want to get nanti. I was there explaining to him why we need to get a top n tail bowl and how to top n tail a baby. Your father has to learn! Hehe. He is going to have to top n tail you nanti, insya Allah.

A long week ahead of us, baby dear. I have salon appointments, baking sessions and some more last minute shopping to do. Be good and oh, you’re allowed to kick me as much as you can. Don’t let my ‘owws’ stop you, okay?

Love you. Baby hugs & kisses from your father & I.