Wednesday, October 24, 2007

In & Out

…of the clinic that is.

Dear babyme,

We have been going in & out of the clinic for the past few days. On Saturday, we had to go in for my 2nd GTT test. Alhamdullilah, my glucose level is normal. However, on Tuesday, during the routine check up, I found out that I’ve put on almost 3 kgs in the past 2 weeks! I was scared that the doctor would put us on a diet :S

When it was our turn to see the doctor, she said that I should not worry as I lost 2kgs during Ramadhan, which meant that I’ve only put on a kg over the past 6 weeks or so (Is it obvious I’m just trying to make myself feel better? Haha.). The doctor then asked me to lie down to check the size of my uterus, your position and your heartbeat.

I was then shocked when she told me that my uterus size is small and she was concerned that you’re not growing, which could be a result from my fasting

So, today, I was sent to the other clinic for another ultrasound and surprise, surprise, you’re actually big!

Babycentre says that you should be shy of 4lbs but guess what love, you’re now 2300gms, which is equivalent to approximately 5lbs!

I think I have to cut down on my chocolate intake and perhaps, stop drinking Anmum as soon as I’ve finished my current supply. Too much sugar is definitely not good for both of us! Hehe.

Besides that, you have been very, very active lately. The doctor said its because your legs are ‘in front’ now, which is why I’ve been feeling your kicks more. Even your father was surprised by how active you were late last night! Oh, you still don’t like it when I’m sleeping on my sides.

Oooh. We have bought more things for you last weekend. We now have your bath tub, top n tail bowl, baby box and changing mat. We also saw reasonable stroller, car seat and baby cot for you, which we might get next month. We haven’t bought clothes for you yet though but I’ve been looking at some and might start buying them this weekend. Afterall, we need to wash them first. And yes, luckily we have your father as the reasonable one. If it was left to me, I would probably buy more. Hehehe.

Anyway, you be good now love. We will be seeing the doctor again next week. Lots of baby hugs & kisses from your father & I.

p.s. I think we are very close in having a name for you! We are calling you baby now as we don’t know (and not going to know until you’re born) if you’re a boy or a girl. Rest assure, we will be preparing 2 names