Saturday, October 27, 2007


My friend said that I'm getting more and more pissy each day. Actually, i think, bi**hy was the exact word, I don't remember.

I like to think I'm just hormonal.

I wanted to scream at the cashier behind the counter earlier because he was taking his sweet time serving the customer in front of me, making small chit chat, offered to send her tray already full of drinks to her table, when there' wa a long, long line (and I was hungry, so if I made a scene, I might not get my food).

I wanted to scream because the car infront of us was bl00dy slow (and I wasn't even driving!)

I wanted to scream because I had to re-do a piece of work for the third time (but I know each boss had different opinion, hence...).

I wanted to cry because I saw my car and I miss driving it (this I don't understand!).

I think the husband and I made the right decision not to let me drive for now because with how I'm feeling, I would probably just run over the car who took the most left exit from Kiarong to go to Kiulap at the big roundabout. Or the person who forgot to indicate or the person who braked first then indicate.

No it has nothing to do with my tummy being big that it kept on hitting the steering wheel. I'm just hormonal and can fall asleep while driving.

Oh, I would also like to scream when people call me fat, especially when they say it to other people. Skalinya?? Try telling that to my doctor who still think I'm not putting on enough weight.

Or better yet, you try lah!!