Friday, October 5, 2007

Is it a Boy or a Girl?

Dear babyme,

It has been awhile since I last wrote to you. This week, you’re approaching 30 weeks and I kept on thinking, how time flies so fast! It felt so recent that I went to the clinic to confirm my pregnancy and now, insya Allah, we have less than 3 months to go before we will finally meet you.

Your father & I have been scouting for your things and knowing me, I wanted pretty things and knowing your dad, he wants practical things. I guess buying for practicality is better but don’t tell your father I said that. Hehe.

Oh, you have also received your first present from Babu Ijat! Its a baby fleece blanket and its blue-ish. Does that mean you’re a boy? Hehe. Oh yes, we don’t know whether you’re a boy or a girl yet. Your father wants to keep it a surprise! This would also mean that anything we buy for you will be in other colours but pink or blue. I have asked your Nini Girl to keep the blanket for the time being.

Speaking of your gender, your Atuk Girl has made you few pillows, as she would always do for her cicits. In the beginning, she made pink pillows and all your aunts believe that you will be a girl because your Atuk Girl is always right. She asked me recently if I already knew your gender and I said I didn’t. The next thing we know, she started buying blue materials to make another set of pillows for you. Now, does it mean she believes you’re a boy? Hehe. When I asked her, she just said that she is just preparing. Hehe.

Your father and I believe that you wil be a boy because based on statistics (I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters while your father has 3 brothers and 1 sister) there are more boys in the family.
Our Chinese friends think you’re a girl though, especially my tailors. Hehe.

Either way, your father and I have no preferences. As long as you’re healthy, thats what really counts.

Lots of baby hugs and kisses from your father & I.