Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's Ramadhan

Dear Babyme,

It is now officially Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah. It will be the last Ramadhan where there will only be me and your ftaher in the family because insya Allah, you will join us for the next Ramadhan, insya Allah.

Your father and I thought that instead of the usual trip to the masjid for terawih, I will be staying at home to do terawih prayers on my own and at my own pace. We have also decided that I will try to fast as much as I can but in case I don’t feel good or you start complaining, I will break my fast. Keeping both of us healthy is of course, our utmost priority. I will wait for your father to come back later and maybe, we will have a chat with you and teach you to give me signals if you need food. Afterall, you have been very good at telling me to slow down when you think I am doing too much. Hehe.

Oh, I forgot to tell you about our last trip to the clinic. Alhamdullilah, my glucose level is ‘okay’ said the doctor, albeit it being on the borderline for the after glucose drink incident. Apparently, I am not really glucose tolerant so I have to cut back on most of my favourites. I also heard your heartbeat again, the nurse was impressed with the sound of it and actually let me heard it for a longer than they would usually let you. We pray you continue to be healthy, love.

Now that you’re approaching 7 months, we have been asked to go to the doctors fortnightly instead of from 8 months. The reason for this is that the doctor is just worried that my asthma might decide to make an appearance plus I was just told that it is in the family that births tend to happen at 7 months. While it would be nice to have you in our arms sooner, I think you will be much better off if you stay inside me until December, don’t you think? But if you do decide to make an appearance before that, we will of course smother you with more kisses than you can imagine but might cringe when you’re much older. Hehe. So you choose :p

Your Babu Rina has asked a picture of me with you. Your father has kindly took a picture of us and I was surprised how big I am now, which means how big you’ve grown in the past weeks! I will post that picture as soon as your father processes it as it is still in RAW format. Don’t ask what it means as I, myself, still don’t understand.

I am now going to rest and hopefully, not fall asleep before your father comes home from the mosque.

Love you little one. Baby hugs and kisses from the both of us.