Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Going Visual

When I was in my first trimester, I came across a chapter from my book about birth. I was too scared to read it. It was VERY visual. And its not just sketches. There were photos of real women giving birth. I remember being scared and skipped that chapter.

I also remember watching Pregnant (or was it Labour?) for dummies on 77 with the husband and I almost threw up from watching the women trying to give birth. The husband told me not to watch it.

Recently, a friend asked if I have prepared myself by watching birth videos. I have not. It then occured to me that I can’t forever runaway. I could either watch it and at least, know what is going to happen or I could not watch it and just ‘go with the flow’.

The control freak in me thought, ‘I better watch it so I can plan things…’

Coincidentally, I caught Friends, where Pheobe borrowed Rachel her friend’s birth video.
Last weekend, I caught Birth Day on 77 after sungkai. They were showing 2 births- one normal and one c-section. I only managed to catch the c-section as I had to rush for maghrib prayers after that and missed the normal birth.

I cringed and I cried. It is not as visual as it could be (on astro bah kali tu) but I still thought it gave a good idea. Although, I would like it to have more details. I cringed when I saw them slicing open her abdomen and I cried when I saw them pulling out the baby, cleaning the baby and putting the baby in the father’s arms (they were still trying to sew up the mum!).

I’m hitting 7 months by next week, although if by ultrasound I have already hit 7 months, and relatives have advised me to becareful since there’s history of premature births in the family. I didn’t realise it could be hereditary. I will have to ask my doctor next week, insya Allah.

Now I have to continue reading about births…