Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please Maintain

…my weight that is. Hehe.

Had my fortnightly visit to the clinic yesterday and turned out I dropped a kg. The doctor said to me that I should not drop by another kg otherwise they have to admit me to the hospital. I hope she was kidding.

I’ve been fasting since Day 1, Alhamdullilah and I try to eat 3 meals after that before fasting again. However, I can only stomach so much food without feeling very full or throwing up.

Usually, you’re glad when you’ve lost weight but I guess (you guess, dah???), this is just not the right time to lose weight. Heh.

The husband is practically forcing me to take a lot of wholemeal bread with honey but I always ‘forgot’ and was always too full to eat even a slice of it.

Maybe Hari Raya will help me. Hehe.

Ooh, they doubled my dose for Vitamin B so I can put on some more weight. Fun!