Thursday, August 23, 2007

Voices & Sounds

Dear babyme,

You will be 24 weeks by the end of this month. It has been 6 mths, which means another 4 months or 16 weeks, if we’re looking at 40 weeks. They always say that first babies tend to come early- early or late, as long as both of us are safe and healthy, I don’t think anyone really cares.

On Monday & Tuesday, you were very active all day! I had to tap you few days during my course as I had to run to the toilet everytime you move. Hehe. Told your father in the evening about you and he tried to feel you but it was late and you didn’t move. You know what he said?
‘Maybe the baby is sleeping bah. Boring ia sudah main all day and now nothing much to do.’

The next day, you didn’t move much. Told your father that you menyamal after what he had said and he said that you’ve taken it after me! Adakah. Hehe. Then last night, I was telling you how you would have to fight with your father for my attention nanti and the next thing we knew, you kicked. Hehe. You only stopped when your father said, ‘awuu.. indaa…’.

I think we’re only comfortable talking to you when we’re alone. Tee-hee. It’ll feel awkward if depan other people. Hehe. Plus it still feels surreal!

Ooh. We’ve been watching a lot of Simpsons too! Well, your father is usually watching at 6pm so I tend to sit with him and watch it too. I was watching E! earlier and you didn’t move much but when we changed to Simpsons, you started kicking! Maybe when you’re much older, okay? Their jokes are too crude for little kids like you. Hehe.

We will see you on those little tv soon again. We pray that you are healthy and safe in there. Lots of baby love, hugs & kisses.