Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hold it till it Hurts

Dear babyme,

In my bid to avoid putting on too much weight as I was already overweight even before I had you, I avoided what they called ‘eating for two’. The doctor has also warned me at every visit not too put on too much weight. During yesterday’s visit, we found out that we only put on 1.8kg in the last month. Apparently, this was good as I am not allowed to put on more than 2kg a month. However, it came with a price- my blood count dropped to 12.7 from 14.6. Normal level is 12 - 16 or something along that range. I am now on some blood pills, as I like to call it and I’ve been asked to eat more.

Then I was told that I can put on more weight as long as it is less than 3kg. Inconsistent they are. Psft.Enough of me. Today, I had to go for an official ultrasound. I say official because it is supposedly the first ultrasound. However, we’ve seen you on tv since you were 4 weeks old and looked like a little peanut! I will show you the picture when you’re much older but please don’t ask how you came along until you’re much, much older. Hehe.

Anyways, I was asked to have a full bladder before getting there so I drank a small bottle of water and a little more when I got there. As any government clinic, there was a wait. I was bursting and couldn’t hold for long. I walked around, sat still, stood still, distracted myself by reading- nothing helped. In the end, I just ran for the toilet and let go just a little bit. It’s a skill, I tell you. Haha. I think it is because your father and nini girl were impressed I could do it. I didn’t want the doctor to ask me to wait any longer just because I had an empty bladder.

Worried that my bladder was not very full, I had some more water. Aaah. The pain when it was finally our turn. I had to hold it though so the doctor could study your development. The doctor, however, had her face all scrunched up when she was looking at the monitor and kept on reading my card. When I asked if everything was okay, she just said that she was still checking and will let me know soon. My bladder was already hurting and the doctor said that? I wished I could scream at her but I was afraid that I might just pee right then.

However, everything turned out to be alright but she was just concerned that her measurements and my record did not tally. Apparently, from the measurement, you’re 24 weeks old! That’s 6 months! Based on my LMP, you’re only supposed to be 22 weeks! Heh. Guess having big parents didn’t help. So yes, she said you’re big for your age. Not something to worry, I suppose, as we took it with a positive spin- you’re developing healthily in there. Alhamdullilah.

Anyway, it’s your father’s birthday today and we’re going out to have a little dinner. We’ll try to take picture together (with you, of course, albeit being in the tummy. hehe.) so that we can show you when you’re older, insya Allah. During my birthday, you were not around yet but insya Allah, next one, there will be 3 of us. Ameen.

By the way, your Babu Siti has gave birth to a baby girl about 2 weeks ago. You now have a second cousin called Baby Bashirah.

Be good sayang. Lots of baby love, hugs & kisses.