Sunday, July 8, 2007


Dear babyme,

You are now in Singapore. We have decided to take you on holiday with us now that you are more than 5 months. Both your nini girls and the doctor said it’s safe, insya Allah.

We don’t know if it’s the weather or the excitement from shopping (if the latter, i say you might be a girl! Hehe.) but you have been very active since we arrived. Your father can now feel you already after trying to feel you for the past week or so and he thinks that it could be your arms and not your legs kicking me. Oh, have I mentioned that you were most active when we were at Borders last night. Maybe you will like to read when you grow up. Well, I hope that is the case and not because you don’t like being in a bookshop. Hehe.

I promise I will rest as much as I can. Your father has let me take afternoon naps between all the shopping too, so that has been good.

*whispers* Your father did not say much when I told him I put my name on the waiting list for an LV bag. In fact, he tried to talk me into buying a different one, which is more expensive! Maybe it’s just this one time but at least I can still get a bag!

We love you lots and hope you’re doing well, swimming and moving in what I believe to be a bigger space now. Oh, let me know if the mengaji I let you listen is too loud okay? Lots & lots of baby kisses.