Sunday, July 8, 2007


I’ve been feeling flutters in my tummy over the past week or so, especially later afternoon and in the evening. Initially, I thought it was just my pulse and mentioned it to my husband.

However, one night in bed, I was lying down in bed waiting for the flutters and touched my abdomen. Instead, I could feel some pulses. Took the husband’s hand and asked him if that was the baby kicking? He said it could be MY pulses and not the baby. Hehe. Manalah ku tau.

Honestly, I didn’t really know until I went to the doctors for my u/sound.

Doctor: Can you feel your baby already?
Me: Err. No Are we supposed to feel the baby kicking already?
Doctor: You can at this stage but not very hard.
Me: Oh, I don’t think so. I don’t know. (At this stage I was hoping I didn’t feel like an ignorant mother. Remember when Rachel couldn’t see her baby on the u/sound picture?)
Doctor: Do you feel flutters? Like butterflies in your tummy but stronger?
Me: Yeahhh. What IS THAT?
Doctor: That is the baby kicking.
Me: REALLY???????

So yes. Now, everytime I feel flutters I smile at myself knowing that our baby is having fun in there. With parents yang inda pandai teranah and suka jalan2, I am not surprised if the baby is all active in my womb. Hehe.

We pray you are safe and healthy in there, babyme. Amin.

p.s. to answer your Babu Rina’s question, no we have not decided what you are going to call us. We will decide soon, insya Allah