Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Is it Normal?

I’m like constantly hungry now. Previously, I could get away with a little chocolate or biscuit between meals but now.. I have to eat a lot more than biscuits every 2 - 3 hours. Its scary.

Earlier today, I didn’t have time to order sandwiches at 10am and only realised how hungry I was by 11ish. It was a little bit too late to order sandwiches as I was going to have lunch with the husband at 12.30pm! I was seriously, seriously hungry and in James word, ‘kan pitam rasanya’. When I saw the bowl of soto, I said, ‘eh basar eh.. sayang, maybe you want to share it with me later..’

Did I share? No, I finished it! Except for the talur. At 4.30pm just now, I was hungryyyy again! I have just finished eating rice AND egg. Dinner is not ready yet and am off to Delima in a bit too.
I’m seriously scared. Maybe I should stock up fruits and just eat that. Aaaah. I know the husband will give me a hard time everytime I complain about putting on weight (more than I should, anyway!). Scary, scary, scary.

p.s. the soto nada kick, obviously. have asked the husband if we could go to hua ho tanjung bunut for their soto this weekend. i want a GOOD SOTO! nyums! yeah, i think its weird too since i’m not really a fan of soto since forever. maybe baby likes soto. hehehehe.

ooh. husband is sick. kasian pulang, esp. since im feeling much better (except for paning when ive forgotten to eat).