Friday, June 22, 2007

Cramps & Dreams

I started having leg cramps in my sleep earlier this week. Thought I was imagining things, macam ndakan so soon, right? Turned out my colleague, who is due about the same time as me, insya Allah, had her first leg cramp last night!

I have yet to read properly about leg cramps.

Nausea seem to be gone except when I’m having a headache but now, ‘hello itchy tummy!’
J&J babyoil seems to be my new bestfriend. I was supposed to get minyak kelapa from my aunt but I’ll just wait till she gets back this weekend.

Oh, constipation is back too! Har har har. Wait, it’s not funny. It’s painful!

Luckily I have 3 other colleagues who are preggers in my department.

I love whining and complaining about all these but honestly, I am enjoying it… a litlle bit.. The other bits, I’m scared to death!

I had a dream the other night that I couldn’t put on the baby’s diapers properly! Although I remembered to put cream first and then the talc. Somehow the sticky fasteners weren’t sticky enough. Funnily enough, I was told that some diapers would not stick if kena talc when I mentioned my dream to my colleague.

Paranoid much?