Thursday, June 7, 2007


I’ve been having splitting headaches lately. It is not as bad as migrane but enough to want me to knock my head against the wall. Okay, that is an exaggeration.

It usually starts with me being a little bit woozy and then a little headache and then a full blown headache. Lapastu hilang kajap, then ada lagi.

I was a tad bit worried and during my trip to the doctor this morning, I asked her to check my BP. Apparently, my BP is normal. Back at the office, I didn’t feel any better. Colleagues asked me to just go home but I could not afford it. We have an event tomorrow and I have many things pending plus a project due tomorrow. Unable to handle it, I took the headache pill I was prescribed with earlier in the morning. Slow, I tell you! Around 7 barutah baik kepala ku.
Anyhoo, I was talking to my other colleague about my neverending headaches and she said…. *horror*… it could be the chocolates I’ve been eating! When she was pregnant with her second child she had splitting headaches towards her second trimester and couldn’t figure out why. She then tried to stop eating chocolates (she was eating A LOT of them because she wanted her baby to me fat. hehe) for a week and her headache went away.

Don’t know how true it is but I’m willing to try it as long as my headaches go away.. even if it means giving up chocolates.. temporarily… Yes, this is coming from a girl who has 3 bags of mini Reese’s peanut butter cups under her table. Haha.

Oh, trip to the doctor went fine, Alhamdullilah. Baby is doing fine and somehow has grown much bigger than the last ultra sound. During my drive back to work, I kept on praising Allah Taala. It feels surreal to have a real person, albeit being very tiny, living, growing and moving around inside me. It is a wonderful feeling and experience and I pray that my pregnancy will be well, Amin.

I’ve put on about 1.7kg so far. So I’m more or less back to my weight before I got sick and found out about my condition. I suppose that is alright, isn’t it? It doesn’t feel it though. It feels like I’ve put on heaps more. At times, I don’t like looking at myself in the mirror But husband is quick to point out that it is just my tummy and it is normal if I put on weight anyway. To think I should be the one who knows from all the reading I’ve done. Haha.