Monday, June 4, 2007

I'm Not Fat

…I’m just pregnant! Hehehe.

Yesterday, I was at a wedding when one of my friends asked me when I’m due (he knew I’m preggers, okay! Hehe.). I answered, Insya Allah, December… when another friend (who didn’t know) said… ‘Oh My Godddd! I didn’t know! Congratulations.. I thought you were just fat..’
Kurang asam punya anak. She did say she was joking though. I hope she is! Haha.

Then today at work, I had to unzip my skirt button halfway before prayers. I tried to do it discreetly. However, after prayers, few of my colleagues caught me zipping up my skirt and one of them said, ‘need to resize, girl?’. Not long after that, she heard me talking to my other colleague about our antenatal appointments and ultrasound experiences.

Again, another person said to me, ‘Oh My Godddd.. Pregnant rupanya koooo… I thought ko lampuh, iatah inda muat skirt…’

Okay Fine. I am only FATTER because I’m preggers. Hehehehehe.