Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Source...

...of my backache

At 34 weeks.

I need to fix my posture if I want to avoid backaches. When I remember, I try not to arch my back but being pregnant, you tend to forget a lot of things.

Just the other day, I was wiping the baby oil bottle and instead of throwing the tissue into the bin, I threw the bottle!

Btw, yes, that is the same top I wore in the previous picture. I'm too malas and karit to get more maternity tops. Insya Allah, 6 more weeks to go. Although there are bets going around that I might pop before that. Haha.

I'm having BH contractions already. Am trying to utilise it by practising my breathing. Although I'm not even sure if my technique is correct!

Oh, I tend to wake up around 2.30am for the past few nights, pee then baby wakes up and start kicking and moving around. I don't usually fall back asleep till 3.30am. A relative said that could be my sleep pattern when baby is born, insya Allah.