Saturday, May 5, 2007


I cannot stand

  • the smell of coffee
  • the smell of butter
  • the taste of butter (this is new. had roti kahwin for breakfast and puked. but i think only when it is butter at its purest (?) form)
  • the smell of boiled egg. i never liked this but somehow not the smell is just.. bleurgh.
  • the taste of some chicken! i know! how? i lurvee chicken. i noticed i cannot take certain types of cooked chicken. if the taste of chicken is well covered, like by nando’s peri-peri sauce- no problem! but if i can taste the real taste of chicken- ewwwwwwwwwww
  • I have been craving for coke a lot! but husband said cannot drink. once a week saja i sneak a glass of coke :S
  • i lurveeeee sliced cheese and susu manis toast! yummmyyy!
  • i enjoy chocolate more & more now. but only milk chocolate. dark chocolate? white chocolate? emmm. tak nak.
I have realised that
  • everytime i crave for something and succumb to it, i end up throwing up. i guess its telling me not to ikutkan nafsu. heh.
  • i’m becoming more & more pemalas. even doing laundry seems to be payah. and the washing machine automatic.
  • my work skirt is becoming more & more sampit. although my pregnant tummy is not showing, my hips are getting bigger (yes, hips dont lie!) and of course, my fat tummy sentiasa showing.
  • i have put on 0.5kg since i first found out… the book says you should put on 1.4kg at the end of your first trimester.. i guess i’m on track. although im very, very scared of the weight gain involved considering i’m already fat.
enough update for now. this girl is going out for a saturday night cup of hot chocolate :)